We provide free instruction how to configure Bitly Client ID and Bitly Client secret
1. Go to https://bitly.com/a/oauth_apps link and login with your credentials
1.1 Click on the "Registered OAuth Applications" button.
2. Click on the "GET REGISTRATION CODE" button.
3. On your registered on the Bitly email in the letter from bitly click "COMPLETE REGISTRATION" button.
4.1 Enter your Application Name in "Application Name" field.
4.2 Enter your "Application Link": http://www.yoursite.com
4.3 Enter your "Redirect URI": http://www.yoursite.com/module/MODULENAME/bitly
"MODULENAME" - folder name with the module
4.4 Enter your Application Description in "Application Description" field.
4.5 Click "Register App" button
5. Select your Application in the "REGISTERED OAUTH APPLICATIONS"
6. Copy the generated "Client ID" and "Client secret"