How to configure Disqus API Key and Disqus API Secret?

We provide free instruction how to configure Disqus API Key and Disqus API Secret


Go to API Disqus link and login with your credentials.


Click on the "Register new application" button.



Register new application




Fill fields



Fill the "Label" field.


Fill the "Description" field.


Fill the "Organization" field. 


Website must be





OAuth settings




Go to section "Authentication"


Callback URL must be


"MODULENAME" - folder name with the module 

Select Default Access "Read and write"


Go to section "Organization"


Fill the "Organization" field.


Fill the “Terms of Service URL” field 


Click "Save changes" button. 





Copy the generated API Key and API Secret



Go to section "Details -> OAuth Settings"


Copy the generated "API Key" and "API Secret" 

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